Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Terror is what you make of it.
#4516 -288 = 2234 - 2522 - +
We refuse to be highrised, diplomaed, licensed, inventoried, registered, indoctrinated, suburbanized, sermonized, beaten, telemanipulated, gassed, booked.
#3103 -233 = 2448 - 2681 - +
All religions are true, and everyone is going to hell.
#684 -271 = 2144 - 2415 - +
Being the Inquisition is GOOD.
#815 -275 = 2351 - 2626 - +
#6135 -261 = 2857 - 3118 - +
power for those who can fuck it
freedom for those who can fight it
sex for those who can buy it
television today never lies
#2324 -319 = 2620 - 2939 - +
if the law is against my heart, then my heart is against the law.
#6163 -288 = 3286 - 3574 - +
Live as if something actually depends upon your actions.
#3865 -291 = 2784 - 3075 - +
Just because it kind of makes sense doesn't mean it's correct.
#5563 -343 = 2114 - 2457 - +
be aware that the illuminati have infiltrated this archive and outnumbered our sage nonsense with moralistic catch phrases.
#5101 -329 = 2748 - 3077 - +
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.
-John F. Kennedy
#2026 -318 = 2696 - 3014 - +
you are now leaving!
#5859 -242 = 2535 - 2777 - +
I'm still trying to find pricing for billboard space.
#1618 -251 = 2859 - 3110 - +
giving free rein to your emotions is an honest way to live
#1325 -316 = 1846 - 2162 - +
Unemployment is not a disease; so it has no cure
#3023 -306 = 2119 - 2425 - +
recluses always get weak
#2391 -304 = 2438 - 2742 - +
The classical Greeks were not influenced by the classical Greeks.
#2647 -216 = 2775 - 2991 - +
there's nothing except what you sense
#2865 -247 = 2462 - 2709 - +
Albino african
#4785 -289 = 2326 - 2615 - +
it is a miracle you have survived this long
#4627 -263 = 2654 - 2917 - +
This town needs an enema.
#2939 -291 = 3288 - 3579 - +
God is an excuse.
#3915 -287 = 3441 - 3728 - +
I don't exist.
#3857 -258 = 3031 - 3289 - +
Jesus was a Buddhist
#1894 -253 = 3169 - 3422 - +
If you were everyone but one person i would listen to everyone else.
#1727 -271 = 3191 - 3462 - +
Free Will is sacred to GOD. so use your free will the way god wants you to - or else.
#4761 -308 = 2272 - 2580 - +
you are as wrong as you are right as you are left as you are as you are turned upside down, aren't you?
#4574 -274 = 2551 - 2825 - +
Worlds are hallucinogenics.
#6487 -344 = 1690 - 2034 - +
sometimes, i backslide into religion.
#6104 -361 = 2904 - 3265 - +
Everything you know is wrong!
#1196 -280 = 2599 - 2879 - +
Politics has become a game of meaningless, mindless battles, conducted by unscrupulous methods and people, designed to transform even the most serious policy debates into sport.
-Al Gore, May 2006
#2314 -252 = 2585 - 2837 - +
Boxing is a lot like ballet, except that they don't dance, there isn't any music, and they hit each other.
#852 -273 = 2971 - 3244 - +
Fortified shadows of weakened construction
#5725 -264 = 2513 - 2777 - +
Enlightenment is like the Police State - if you'd shut up for once, you'd realize you're already there.
#1153 -277 = 2589 - 2866 - +
in case of confusion, don't blame me for telling you to be confusing me, you are confusing me !
#4732 -310 = 2436 - 2746 - +
separatism is the way to a new beginning
#2463 -2075 = 5284 - 7359 - +
The fact that other people may not be assertive doesn't mean I shouldn't be.
#5843 -251 = 2577 - 2828 - +
Don't be fooled into thinking there has to be a reason for everything.
#5613 -288 = 2599 - 2887 - +
Bacon transforms men into incredibly sensitive and generous lovers and guarantees women the longest and most intense orgasms imaginable.
#787 -214 = 3683 - 3897 - +
Weather's here, wish you were beautiful.
#3124 -309 = 2527 - 2836 - +
If you're not outraged, then you're not paying attention.
#5767 -299 = 2872 - 3171 - +
Are you still awake?
#755 -370 = 2570 - 2940 - +
Support your local ceiling.
#2584 -267 = 3140 - 3407 - +
Homework: Find out what happens to male chickens hatching in industrial egg-producing facilities.
#4523 -307 = 2195 - 2502 - +
God created the world and everything in it right after he found an instruction manual telling him how to do it.
#5097 -321 = 3192 - 3513 - +
Don't let signs like this one tell you what to do.
#1084 -264 = 3199 - 3463 - +
Sic transeo.
- Gloria Mundi
#4696 -269 = 2781 - 3050 - +
It's one thing to see death coming at the hands of your own creation. Oedipus and his father. Baron Frankenstein and his monster. William Henry Gates and Windows '09.
#1872 -358 = 2613 - 2971 - +
Life is ours. We live it our way.
#1974 -270 = 2209 - 2479 - +
There are no atheists in prisons either.
#4019 -266 = 2611 - 2877 - +
Get paranoid to act fast.
#1314 -304 = 2510 - 2814 - +
One who defends those around him may be brave, but is also stupid. I wished I was stupid, sometimes.
- Foxius
#5226 -317 = 2690 - 3007 - +
You mean you need drugs to hallucinate?
#3337 -252 = 2850 - 3102 - +
cereal is the gateway drug, perfected
#4631 -326 = 2649 - 2975 - +
Eyes only. Do not see.
#1214 -277 = 2448 - 2725 - +
How many gods do you currently not believe in?
#4140 -283 = 3039 - 3322 - +
#6285 -328 = 3342 - 3670 - +
if you aren't a monkey wrench yet, you still have evolving to do
#1676 -307 = 2282 - 2589 - +
Hey, you in the gray suit. Your wife is cheating on you.
#1420 -298 = 2160 - 2458 - +
Know: Purchase necessary.
#1929 -478 = 2026 - 2504 - +
I like this one. It's dense.
#3474 -260 = 2103 - 2363 - +
The Management would like to thank you for not subverting the dominant paradigm.
#2713 -368 = 2741 - 3109 - +
Don't panic.
#1090 -340 = 2260 - 2600 - +
Those who think ignorance is bliss are ignorant and blissful
#2948 -270 = 2261 - 2531 - +
Go for the road less traveled, tourists are annoying.
#6394 -601 = 2954 - 3555 - +
Why die today ? Pay the late fee and die next week!
#4986 -324 = 2807 - 3131 - +
#2916 -347 = 2433 - 2780 - +
you can live on through your descendants
#3286 -241 = 2608 - 2849 - +
#4982 -307 = 2414 - 2721 - +
I invented plagiarism.
#5463 -253 = 2789 - 3042 - +
Follow ME - I'll be right behind you
#5240 -217 = 2827 - 3044 - +
moon landing, computers, nuklear power, but still humans fail to think.
#5822 -304 = 2098 - 2402 - +
The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.
#2786 -313 = 2889 - 3202 - +
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.
-John F. Kennedy
#2946 -241 = 3479 - 3720 - +
Poor american christians: trapped between the sin city and the big apple.
#4799 -349 = 2481 - 2830 - +
Motherfucker who you playing
#5497 -265 = 2771 - 3036 - +
thinking too much can only cause problems
#2895 -280 = 2820 - 3100 - +
One day we awake our forth eye in the necklace, and no one will ever have to cry again.
#6017 -235 = 2579 - 2814 - +
cancer cures smoking.
#6311 -375 = 3677 - 4052 - +
Everything really does revolve around you.
#4647 -276 = 2903 - 3179 - +
Life is like the offspring of Dracula and a hoover: it sucks.
#6003 -291 = 2318 - 2609 - +
Every statement contains falsehood
#1175 -297 = 2815 - 3112 - +
Free? Prove it!
#3846 -397 = 2998 - 3395 - +
#6309 -430 = 3504 - 3934 - +
#6318 -421 = 3470 - 3891 - +
there's nothing redeeming in toil
#2866 -248 = 2717 - 2965 - +
Think of hummingbirds as the flying penises of flowers
#2893 -307 = 2279 - 2586 - +
Everything in moderation, including Moderation itself.
#4126 -277 = 3034 - 3311 - +
Subversive is the new black.
#4145 -300 = 2458 - 2758 - +
Well, it looks like blind, screaming hedonism won out.
#3129 -327 = 2237 - 2564 - +
I think you had better start lining your hat with tinfoil.
#1574 -330 = 2635 - 2965 - +
#5448 -275 = 2237 - 2512 - +
when you act like someone is your enemy, they'll soon start playing to the role as they feel threatened.
#3180 -249 = 2273 - 2522 - +
lobsters are mermaids to scorpions
#5605 -368 = 1804 - 2172 - +
Who watches the watchers?
#3207 -361 = 2346 - 2707 - +
Malpractice makes perfect
#4804 -250 = 2881 - 3131 - +
There is no such thing as a stupid question until you ask it. -tgwtg- (ask him)
#4467 -330 = 2014 - 2344 - +
humor is a release
#1468 -273 = 2490 - 2763 - +
lower your expectations and raise entropy.
#6308 -499 = 3337 - 3836 - +
I's my train wreck, and I'll stare if I want to
#5517 -306 = 2947 - 3253 - +

5210 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

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